If you have trouble with this concept, we’ll be glad to explain it to you. If you encounter someone who is having trouble understanding this concept, please make a staff member aware.


Treat others as you would expect to be treated. Demeaning, pushy, forceful and abusive behaviour toward fellow patrons or staff is NOT acceptable. Sexual activity (with or without a second party) is not permitted on the ground floor or in shared public spaces.


We go to great lengths to provide a fully functional and clean environment for your enjoyment. Any form of vandalism or any unhygienic acts will not be tolerated. If you see (or smell) this happening, report it immediately to staff.


Food, drink or alcohol can NOT be brought into the venue as dictated by local council and licensing laws.


All areas of the venue are CCTV monitored for your safety and security.


Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside the venue. The courtyard or sun-deck is available for this purpose.


We have a strict policy of serving alcohol responsibly. Alcohol, high temperatures and wet areas don’t mix well. So please DRINK IN MODERATION!


Possession, consumption or trafficking of any illegal substance is strictly prohibited. You won’t need to explain yourself to staff… You WILL be explaining yourself to the authorities… No exceptions…


Take home a hot guy or a hot memory, not an STD. We strongly encourage safe sex. Prevention… Cure… You know the drill. Condoms are provided. Use them…


It’s a precious resource so please keep your shower times to a minimum.

Failure to respect this Code of Conduct can result in you being asked to leave the venue. Failure to leave the venue when asked can result in you leaving the venue under Police escort.

We’re constantly striving to make your visit to Wet on Wellington an enjoyable and memorable experience. While our staffs are continually trying to make this happen, they cannot be everywhere at once. Please help us by informing staff if you witness breaches of this code. The sooner we are made aware, the sooner we can act.

Your compliance and assistance is greatly appreciated.


Online tickets which have been purchased for a specific event are only valid for the event purchased for. Tickets are not transferrable from one event to another. Tickets may be sold or given to another person however, the venue and staff must be given prior notice or shown evidence at the door that the ticket(s) we sold or given to another party.

Tickets are non-refunadable. Any ticket purchases made, will not have the ability to refunded or transferred to another event.

Online drink card purchases are also non-refunable. These (along with the ticket) may be transferred to another person attending the event in place of the previous person. The venue and staff must be given prior notice or shown eveidence at the door that the drink card(s) purchase have been sold or given to another party.

When purchasing an online ticket or drink card, you agree to the above and the venue holds no responability for loss of your ticket or any unforseen circumstances which prevent you from attending the event.